1991-1995 Small series
From a shop business to an enterprise
The customers changed constantly. Numerous companies in the electronics industry became aware of the new provider and ordered circuit boards. Inspired by the fast speed of production and the customer-oriented service, they gradually became regular customers.
On the other hand, the number of electronic hobbyists dwindled. It was no longer really necessary to build it yourself as the range of electronic equipment and small devices had significantly increased in the eighties and nineties.
The shop counter had thus done its duty. The sales room was turned into an office and modernised. The shop visibly became a small business.
Business hours were extended to a 5 day week. Permanent staff were employed. The two founders started to feel like businessmen.
The first 4 page colour brochure was produced with a friend in the evenings. After all, the printing costs were expensive enough. With this brochure, it was then possible to go out and about as a production company. It was a hard fight to shake off the impression in the sector that it was just a "hobby shop".
The introduction of the chemical through-plating process was a milestone in the development of the company, which first had to be learnt. The original, rather mechanical production of circuit boards now became a chemical production.
The theoretical knowledge that Dietmar Contag had gathered during his additional course on printed circuits at the TFH in Berlin was the basis for the development and construction of a small electroplating system. It became 4 metres long and consisted of 10 process baths and 12 washing baths.
The manufacture of the new products ran smoothly right from the start. There were however problems dealing with the waste water. This was done manually on a batch basis and was a lot of work. A lot of care was required as the water companies regularly check the cleanliness of the waste water by taking samples.
The number of orders grew constantly. They were constantly on the look out for used or cheap production equipment, but it was rare that they found anything. There was only really space and money for manual machines. Circuit board equipment is generally large, automatic and thus expensive.
A second flat was added. This was unfortunately not directly adjacent, so the corridor in the house had to be used. As quietly as possible please, so as not to upset the other residents in the house. A chemical processing company in a block of flats? That was not exactly calming.
Move to commercial premises
The lack of space finally became unbearable. A move became necessary and the search was on for new premises. As Andreas Contag saw the rooms, which would later become the company premises, his first reaction was to turn on his heel and leave. He thought that these were far too large and too expensive. In the night he started to think it over: "...you live around the corner...", "...you have got big plans...", "... so far things have always gone well...". So he screwed up his courage and signed the contract for the lower floor.
On a Saturday, the things were quickly packed and the van only had to go five times. On Sunday the new rooms were completely set up and on Monday work could be taken up straight away in the new environment. No customer noticed the move in their deliver dates.
"There's no such thing as - can't do it -" is a company motto which has always applied.
The hobby shop with a small production system could now become a proper company.