2011-2015 Aktiengesellschaft
CONTAG is now “Aktiengesellschaft”
The CONTAG GmbH is now transformed into CONTAG AG (incorporated company). Due to constant growth, CONTAG broadened its base, gained additional specialists and adopts its new legal form which is appropriate for the, by now more sophisticated organizational structure. Capital market and stock dealing does not play a role in this change. CONTAG
remains the known family enterprise with sporty dynamic.
Andreas Contag is CEO of the CONTAG AG and Dr. Frank Raspel is authorized signatory.
The supervisory board consists of concentrated branch- and entrepreneurial know how. Christian Ranzinger is acknowledged expert in the PCB-branch, Ralf Lang stands for long-term professional handling of finances and Joachim Protz is accountant and reputable auditor with 20 years of experience.

Especially in the business of prototypes with extremely short delivery time, which is the core competence of CONTAG, it is highly important that customers can rely on their suppliers. That counts for delivery reliability as well as for technological capability and trustworthiness. Our customers and business partners will benefit from the raised stability as well as the long-term ensured know how to accelerate the dynamic progress of technology and the market during the next years together.

2015 SME Grand Award
Oskar Patzelt Foundation
On 5 September 2015, the Berlin-based and family-owned business, CONTAG AG, received the “Grand Award for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises” at a gala event in Dresden’s Hotel Maritim.
More than 5,000 exceptional companies ran in the annual, nationwide competition which is already in its 21st year. CONTAG AG was nominated by Vereinigung Wirtschaftshof Spandau e.V., the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Agentur für Arbeit Berlin Süd, Berliner Volksbank eG (Potsdam branch) and ZVEI, Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektroindustrie e. V., and chosen as the winner out of 365 contestants from Berlin/Brandenburg. The participating companies are judged by five criteria according to which the enterprise as a whole as well as its contribution to society are considered. This comprises the company’s overall development, the creation/protection of jobs and vocational training positions, modernization and innovation, regional commitment, and service and customer focus. Outstanding performance in all categories is required. CONTAG has met all five criteria with distinction.
Foundation of the CONTAG Serial GmbH

Therefore, CONTAG is your continuous partner from prototype development to successful serial production.

Your personal contact

Guido Strehl
Assistant to the general
+49 30 351 788-225