
What does STANDARD delivery time mean?
STANDARD at CONTAG AG, is what other companies call EXPRESS: Printed circuit boards are delivered within 3 working days - with no supplementary charges. STANDARD will always be an option for you, if the job has to be fast and cost effective. And if we can take our time, if you give us more than 3 days, we can even offer a good discount with our Easy pace (8 day stroll) delivery conditions.
STANDARD delivery conditions - the benefits to you.
STANDARD is easy on your wallet, but quick enough to secure your project plan.
- No supplementary charges
- Completely reliable delivery dates
- Great, 24 hour customer service - all round the clock.
- A lot of printed circuit board technologies in only 3 working days
Technologically induced additional processes (e.g. plugging, SBU, high number of layers, etc.) increase the delivery time in accordance with the requirements. - Complete control of costs
- There is discount for Easy pace delivery conditions
- and much more
A typical job:
- On the day when your order arrives, our CAM operator inspects your data. It will be checked for production feasibility and, if there are queries, you will be consulted so that best quality can be guaranteed, even under production conditions. Once the manufacturing data and working instructions have been produced for all of the following processes, you will receive confirmation of the delivery date and the price.
- On the 2nd day, manufacture will start on several systems, at the same time. Photoplots will be produced for the individual layers and the inner layers will be laminated, exposed, developed and etched, the inner layers will be pressed together and drilled, as well as being processed in chemical baths.
- On the 3rd day the printed circuit boards get their solder resist, silk-screened component location and a surface finish. After this an electrical test is done and visual inspection. That evening, the printed circuit boards will be given to a parcel service or courier, so that they will be on your desk the next morning, as agreed.
Your personal contact

Torsten Malsch
Head of Marketing & Sales
+49 30 351 788 -310