Social responsibility

The CONTAG team's work for the community in the region is based on a deep conviction, to provide support in a variety of ways and to take the very positive atmosphere in the company out into the community.

Community and health

  • Printer gift to schools and youth associations

  • In 1999 and 2000, the company gave printers to schools, which worked well and were at the current state of the art. The gift had a total value of about 1,500 DM.

  • Almost all of the staff want to donate bone marrow for cancer patients

  • Following an appeal in the daily press, bone marrow donors for a 12 year old suffering from leukaemia were sought. Staff at the company were all immediately concerned about this and registered together with the DKMS (German society for a database of bone marrow donors). The DMKS called the high number of voluntary donors (80%) extremely unusual and saw it as an expression of the company culture.

  • Donations for the flood victims following the tsunami in Asia.

  • The terrible catastrophe in December 2004 made a deep impression on CONTAG staff. Everyone was affected, having seen the images on TV. The company wanted to help, held a collection and made a donation of 1,050 Euros to the German Red Cross.

  • Donations for a climbing wall for the disabled sport association in Berlin

  • When the new company building was inaugurated in summer 2007, it was decided to ask customers to make a charitable donation instead of sending gifts. With the help of a donation of 2,500 Euros, the operators of a climbing wall in Berlin could buy new equipment so that disabled young people could make increased use of this leisure facility. The disabled sport association in Berlin organised this project.

  • Julius dinner in Spandau

  • Once per year the borough of Berlin-Spandau holds a Julius dinner to which businessmen and politicians from the borough are invited. The proceeds, as well as additional contributions, will be donated to a charitable cause e.g. for homeless accommodation, kindergartens etc. CONTAG regularly uses these charitable initiatives to make donations.

Schools and industry

  • Provision of places for students doing a period of practical training

  • Practical training positions are regularly offered for schoolchildren, students at vocational schools, university students or people looking for work. This means work in the areas of administration, production and marketing In 2006, four trainees worked at CONTAG and in 2007 two. From 1st Jan. 2008, the opportunities presented by the new company building have been exploited and more than 15 trainee positions have been created.

  • Visits to industry for schools

  • The company supports schools in the organisation of excursions, where pupils can gather practical experience of the theoretical material taught at school. As an example, pupils from the "Martin-Buber" school in Berlin-Spandau could experience electroplating applications at CONTAG GmbH, during a chemistry project week.

  • Networking and exchanging ideas with companies

  • Together with its financial partner, Berliner Volksbank, CONTAG has initiated a platform for Spandau companies, to discuss social and commercial topics. This round table for Spandau companies took place for the first time in CONTAG's offices.


  • Fund raising event for skateboard track

  • In July 2007, 4.000 Euros was donated for a skateboard facility. More support is now available for young people and community events such as contests can now be arranged. This donation is an important initiative to keep kids "off of the street", to learn to form a positive community through sport and, supported by specialists, to develop their own initiative.

  • Volleyball donation to school

  • In February 2008, CONTAG donated volleyballs to the Kant grammar school. The Sport-Ball action 2008 was an appeal by various Berlin schools to sponsor sport for children and teenagers, as public funds are often too limited to keep equipment for sport tuition or for leisure activities up to date.

Open day

  • For years, CONTAG has regularly held open days. In 2006, this event was largely attended by families and friends of staff. The aim was to explain staff tasks & responsibilities to their parents, brothers & sisters and partners.

  • In 2007, the open day was combined with the inauguration of the new building. Neighbours and business partners came along to view our production.

  • In 2009, the borough of Berlin-Spandau will be included Local residents can learn more about CONTAG's products, processes and commitment to the community in the region. With this, CONTAG aims to pass on its experience in the development of a company culture and to share the predominantly positive atmosphere in the company with the community.


Your personal contact

Guido Strehl
Assistant to the general
+49 30 351 788-225